Friday 20 August 2010

Help for office bound feet!

Help for office bound feet

Are you slumping over your desk again? Yes you! Are your feet hot and irritable, encased in office wear all day ? If you have tenderness in specific parts of your feet,they might be trying to tell you something. Reflexology works on the idea that your feet are a reflection of your body and all its’ organs so if you have tender toes for example it could be that you are just starting a cold;If you have a headache quite often your big toes will be very tender-see below for an easy way to shake off that fuzzy head !
Have a look at the following foot reflexology excercises and give your feet a bit of TLC next time you have a break. Note – please warn your nearest colleagues before you unleash your feet in a crowded office!
toe squeezing!
A much neglected pastime in my opinion - get your toes one at a time,starting with the big toe,and give it a good squeeze all around the fleshy underside,and a pull and a wiggle.The toes all relate to the head and brain and you will probably find if you have a cold your toes will be VERY tender.If you have a headache your big toe might be sore along the inside-give it a good rub and feel yourself relaxing instantly. If you feel a bit embarrassed about exposing your feet, keep your socks on and push your toes into the floor, bending them forwards and back gently as you sit in your chair.
lung relaxer and cough remedy
Do this excercise if you have a persistent cough - make a fist and push it into the top third of your foot underneath( under your toes from the ball of the foot across). Push this part of the foot whilst gripping it with the other hand and let your toes curl around your fist - this will stretch the top of the foot and stimulate the circulation. Now run your fingers down the outside of your big toe to the dip between the toe and the ball of your foot - If you have a cough you should find lots of lumps under the skin here - give them a good rub and a push and this will help to shift your cough.
constipation remedy –
This is easily done on the hands - it is amazing how reflexology can help if you have constipation or a tummy upset. Get a pen or pencil and hold it horizontally between you palms, then roll it between the fleshy pads under the thumbs. This again might be 'lumpy' especially the left thumb pad if you are constipated.
Feeling hormonal?
Ladies , if your hormones are getting the better of you there are two things you can do to your feet to help balance the hormones and stop you having the urge to stab your neighbour with a stapler or eat excessive amounts of chocolate: a, massage all around your heels and under the ankles –theses areas all relate to the reproductive organs and hold a huge amount of tension at certain times of the month. b, refer to the big toe squeeze as the biggest toe holds the reflex point for the pituitary gland,the key to all our monthly misery!

Give your feet a bit of T.L.C. and you will feel better all over!

Samantha Fisher MICHT MDYTA

Friday 16 July 2010

LDN for Fibromyalgia

Following from the Reflosocks study with fibromyalgia groups in 2009,I have been given information about LDN,a little known drug which seems to be having prolific effects on fibromyalgia and other chronic immune system disorders.
Please have a look at the links on the right for more information about LDN and the LDN research trust.
There is also a convention in Birmingham in October this year.

Thursday 17 June 2010

Fun reflexology exercises!

The Chinese believe that ageing begins with the feet,so if you are looking down at yours and think they look 20 years older than the rest of you then perhaps its' time to pay them a bit of attention!
Here are a few treats you can give your feet to stimulate the reflexology zones and the circulation - if you can't reach them yourself, ask a partner to do it and then swap places! Why not use a favourite body cream to enhance the effect?
toe squeezing!
A much neglected pastime in my opinion - get your toes one at a time,starting with the big toe,and give it a good squeeze all around the fleshy underside,and a pull and a wiggle.The toes all relate to the head and brain and you will probably find if you have a cold your toes will be VERY tender.If you have a headache your big toe might be sore along the inside-give it a good rub and feel yourself relaxing instantly.
lung relaxer and cough remedy
Do this excercise if you have a persistent cough - make a fist and push it into the top third of your foot underneath( under your toes from the ball of the foot across). Push this part of the foot whilst gripping it with the other hand and let your toes curl around your fist - this will stretch the top of the foot and stimulate the circulation. Now run your fingers down the outside of your big toe to the dip between the toe and the ball of your foot - If you have a cough you should find lots of lumps under the skin here - give them a good rub and a push and this will help to shift your cough.
constipation remedy

this is easily done on the hands - it is amazing how reflexology can help if you have constipation or a tummy upset. Get a pen or pencil and hold it horizontally between you palms,then roll it between the fleshy pads under the thumbs. This again might be 'lumpy' especially the left thumb pad if you are constipated.
Last of all ,don't forget your poor tired heels - give them a really firm massage with your lovely cream and even use your knuckles to give them a treat!

Samantha Fisher MICHT MDYTA

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Reflosocks for back and neck pain and Fibromyalgia

In February 2009 Reflotherapies conducted a trial in conjunction with Fibromyalgia U.K. on 48 fibromyalgia sufferers to find out if Reflosocks for back and neck pain would be helpful in alleviating the symptoms of fibromyalgia.
Testers were asked to wear Reflosocks as often as possible for approx. 6 weeks after which time a feedback form was sent to them .
56% of testers reported that Reflosocks were extremely helpful/very helpful/quite helpful in alleviating their condition.
54% of the study group were able to reduce the level of painkillers they were taking.
33% reported increased mobility
30 % reported an ease in joint pain
30 % reported improved circulation
44 % reported sleeping better
37% found that their energy levels seemed to improve.
The following are quotes from users :

" Not only do they take the pain away or lessen it,which is a benefit in itself,but if I am feeling tense (which makes the pain worse anyway)-they help me to relax and feel very mellow."

" they do seem to help and are most comfortable;I don't want to take them off."

"There is some pain relief in my back and shoulders - I can knit more now,which I enjoy."

"Thankyou so much for the socks .They have definitely made a difference."

" When walking with Reflosocks on I can feel pressure points picking up painful areas underfoot,which is most relaxing."

" Any easy way to try reflexoloy."

"They help - relief at last!"

"Its' a convenient and easy way to help oneself."

"they improved my mobility and circulation whilst at work."

Thursday 7 May 2009

Fibromyalgia trial - results coming soon!

As I frequently am asked if Reflosocks will be any good for people suffering with fibromyalgia,I decided to conduct a user trial at the beginning of 2009.The results will be available to view soon -so watch this space !

Monday 11 August 2008

Reflosocks for knee,hip and shoulder pains - testimonials

Reflo 2

Testimonial 1

Name: Patricia Pritchard

Age: 64

Occupation: Cleaner

Background (history of injury or ailment): Patricia suffers from chronic osteo -arthritis, which causes continual pain in her knees. Much of the time she is incapacitated, particularly the second half of the day .

Quote: “ since wearing Reflosocks I have a lot less pain; I am also happier and my general mood is better . ”

“ I wear them every day.”

“they help me through the day.”

Reflo 2

Testimonial 2

Name: Alfie Davidson

Age: 56

Occupation: Retired

Background (history of injury or ailment): general aches and pains in legs and hips ,especially knee joints when climbing stairs.

How Reflosocks have improved my condition:

Overall improvement with just the occasional twinge, usually after exercise or D.I.Y.

Quote: “After wearing Reflosocks for a while I particularly noticed the improvement in my knees. I now find I can climb the stairs without any difficulty.”

Reflo 2

Testimonial 3

Name: Asa Bengtsson


Occupation: Team Manager

Background (history of injury or ailment):” I have had intermittent knee problems since puberty due to increased amount of cartiledge and roughage on the inside of the patella .I have in the last couple of years also suffered from aches in my right shoulder, mostly due to stress and compute/mouse work.”

How Reflosocks have improved my condition: “I used Reflosocks quite a lot and tried to use them on a regular time slot weekly/daily to notice improvement. I still have bad days with my shoulder, but the knee problems have virtually gone away altogether and the shoulder isn’t as bad as it used to be. “

Quote: ” By using Reflosocks regularly I have managed to virtually eradicate my knee pains altogether .I still have some achy problematic days with my shoulder, but much less so now than prior to using Reflosocks . I’d recommend these to anyone as they have really helped me.”

Reflo 2

Testimonial 4

Name: Julia Avis

Age: 46

Occupation: reflexologist and part time nursery assistant

Background (history of injury or ailment): Has had shoulder and lower back pain from years of working with small children and working at low tables. Julia had massages every month until June 2007 when she moved to the Waterside area.

How Reflosocks have improved my condition: “ I found that when I wore Reflosocks the shoulder and lower back pain eased . As a newly qualified reflexologist I was interested to see whether they would make a difference.”

Quote: ” I found that my shoulder and lower back pain eased when I wore Reflosocks. They definitely helped.”

Reflo 2

Testimonial 5

Name: Kelly –Jane Fletcher

Age: 27

Occupation: Special needs teacher

Background (history of injury or ailment):

Chronic knee pain on going for about 15 years.Had physio,hydrotherapy,acupuncture,tens machine, exercise .Still in pain/medication doubled .

No help given –still unsure of diagnosis – could be nerves.

How Reflosocks have improved my condition:

I am not taking as many tablets.

They have reduced aching/throbbing in knee at end of day.

They massage my feet

Not as much back pain.

Quote: ”It is good to know someone cares enough to consider a simple yet effective aid.”

Reflo 2

Testimonial 6

Name: Mrs Vivien Davis


Occupation: List too numerous! Lets’ say housewife

Background (history of injury or ailment):

Intermittent pain in left knee over a period of a few years . No knee injury as such. I am a very active person and there are times when walking is painful and the pain restricts movement.

How Reflosocks have improved my condition:

If socks are worn as instructed there really is improvement . Knee gets stronger and the pain is less. I am impressed and will continue with this regime.

Quote: ”

I am recommending these to my friends – what more can I say. Any improvement is good improvement and without medication or surgery. Must be good! This is not a miracle cure , but by gosh it really helps.

Reflosocks for back and neck ache - testimonials

Reflotherapies profile 1

Name : Jackie Jackson

Occupation: swimming instructor and co-ordinator

Background: Jackie badly injured her back whilst shopping in 1999(she fell and landed on some equipment that had been left out) and suffered acute pain for 2 years afterwards, despite having regular physiotherapy and taking painkillers constantly. She was diagnosed with osteo-arthritis and a crumbling spine , and was finally persuaded to try a reflexology treatment at Reflotherapaies’ salon.

She was much better after just 1 treatment and she now has regular reflexology and wears her Reflosocks in between treatments .

Jackies’ words : “ i have found reflexology to be by far the most effective therapy for me, both in terms of pain relief and general mobility; i now wear my Reflosocks a couple of times a week when the need arises,in between reflexology sessions “.

Reflotherapies profile 2

Name: Jayne Thornton

Occupation: nurse

Background: Jane had suffered from a herniated disc and wear and tear on her back from work.

She now wears Reflosocks to help ease her backache, especially as her main hobby is jive dancing .

Jaynes’ words: “ i am wearing my reflosocks to help alleviate the wear and tear on my back and they are definitely helpful-in fact my husband now has a pair too!”

Reflotherapies profile 3

Name: Sylvia Wood

Occupation: Bra consultant for Marks and Spencer

Background: Sylvia’s active lifestyle and busy job mean that she is on her feet most of the day and consequently her lower back suffers; she combats this by wearing her Reflosocks when she feels the aches and pains are getting too much and she also has regular reflexology treatments .

Sylvias’ words :” I feel much more positive when i have been wearing my Reflosocks and i definitely notice the benefits .”